viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Alerta de Google: ADHD

Web5 resultados nuevos de ADHD
Study Finds Possible Link Between Anesthesia and ADHD – ABC ...
General Anesthesia in Infancy Linked to ADHD Can Anesthesia Raise the Risk of ADHD? Read the original: Study Finds Possible Link Between ...
Noticias de Salud: Young children exposed to anesthesia multiple ...
Children exposed to two or more anesthetics before age 3 had more than double the incidence of ADHD than children who had no exposure, says David Warner ...
TDAH, Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en ...
Acknowledging the fact that ADHD can persist into adulthood is a relatively recent ... The prevalence of ADHD in the general adult population is estimated to be ...
La exposición anestesia relacionados con ADHD en niños
Un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Clínica Mayo, Rochester, Minnesota, y publicado en Mayo Clinic Proceedings, revela que los niños que han ...
Health Watch: Possible Link Between ADHD And Anesthesia - Yahoo!
Hace 11 minutos - CBS 3 Philadelphia 1:51 | 0 visualizaciones. A recent study shows there is a possible link between ADHD and anesthesia. Stephanie Stahl ...

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